
This is my personal short version of the spheres project performed by experimental multi media band #(928).My intention, as video creator, is to show the visually most appealing parts of the performance.

Spheres is also the name of our second album. The first album is called LapTopArt and contains the titles: LapTopArt and H2O. H2O was recorded at Berghain Berlin.

More about spheres: Spheres is an artistic-scientific creation in audiovisual format (video and music) performed live and specifically designed for planetariums and science museums. Although it has been performed as well in Theaters and auditoriums.

Spheres is a multi sensorial artistic experience expressing the universe and humankind in all its splendour, inspired by the Pythagorean concept of "music of the spheres" that explores in an artistic manner the relationship between man and the Universe from the dawn of humankind until today.

The original idea, commissioned by the Elder Science and Technology Museum of Las Palmas and the Septenio Project of the Canarian Government, has been developed by the members of #(928) with Gara Guerra as guest singer and Gregorio de la Fuente as scientifical advisor. The music as well as the images are based on live improvisation.

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