COSEPA (Congreso)

Ameland `s Nachts - 240mm x 155mm - August 1998 (by Gerald Breukelman)

Only the station stays the station. While the Island is on the move...

Thoughts about art, art exchange, impressionism, prose, culture and that kind of stuff... (for Gerald)

is a small island in the north of Holland. I visited this place a lot of times during the summer months. First with my family and later on with my friends. It's peace, nature, windsurf and relax. Gerald's work shows the lighthouse you see during the night when you pass by by boat...

The impressionists exchanged lots of work. Painted together, lived together. This created a strong community. If you look at the work of one of these artists you definitely will find a piece that's clearly influenced by another painter... These dynamics resulted in a growth in quality, not only technologically but especially conceptually. One painter transcends another and the group transcends society... Here you have the essence of culture in general and art in particular.

El Estación
Slippin' and slidin'.
Driven by mechanisms you don't understand in an environment you can't recall anymore. Where senses don't work the way you're used to. Everything passes by like a landscape flashing by in a fraction of a second, not enough to let it sink in but just enough to perceive the essence. The station stands for reflection. The mechanism stops for a moment. Taking time for just a short analysis and then to go on, on a way you know to you but yet unknown. Everything is different, everything changes. Only the station stays the station.

I created this work for my friend Gerald whom in his turn gave me a work of his (see above). An exchange of artwork. It is now that I understand better the relationship between artists. It's a great way to understand each other better, to learn and evolve, not only as an artist but also as a person. You don't understand the work if you don't know the author. The art exchange is the summum of visceral understanding.

Het Station

The station - 200mm x 150mm - October 2016

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