In Memoriam


In memoriam is a recreation of a sequence of instances, with the instance as main character. And as you know video is the personification of this concept, so the perfect medium to create this project, as you will read further on...

This instance is the visual baseline of this project. Visually and physically an instance is an image, but mentally and psychologically it's much more ! That instance is filled with, of course, the visual perception but also with thoughts, emotions and memories. So what I wanted to depict is this momentum, with it's memories of the past, thoughts of future events and the actual physical situation. Its like a spiritual voyage, a multidimensional representation of reality, with the physical reality as source. See it as a visual poem where the real message is written between the lines in this way creating a multidimensional world.

I used recognizable images to make it accessible for all kind of people because at the end art for me is a reflection of society and society means everybody, so I took it as my job to put a mirror in front of this society to make them realize in a subtle and NON-violent way that reality is more than what you see... Its multidimensional, and it is edited that way as well, to give the people a possibility to create in their minds their own version of the work.

I took transport/urban life as a source for this work because of it's relation time/space/instance and of course because it demonstrates perfectly the human dynamics. And to emphasize these human dynamics on a audible level as well, Enrique Mateu choose only the human voices/sounds as ground material.

In Memoriam is dedicated to the victims of the train attack in Madrid, the 11th of March 2004, whose lives were washed away in just such an instance.

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