COSEPA (Congreso)

Mejorando is a recently founded company which business is everything related to orthopedics. They opted for a corporate identity from scratch. That means naming was included as well. For this project I worked closely together with Fulgencio Cerrajero, professional copy writer and specialized in naming and advertisement. We started off with an extensive briefing to obtain information about all the ins and outs of the company, what the do, who they are, what target they have, what philosophy, etc. This process also helped the company to understand and analyze the companies activity. To define is a part of the preparation and preparation is eighty percent of the final results.

"Naming is still quiete an unknown concept for many companies. It was the first stage in our corporate identity project."

The line of argument is synthesize improvement (mejorar in Spanish) of mobility in the widest sense in older and younger people. A classic composition with vivid colors which indicate improvement and evolution. The company has three main products: audible, esthetics and sports. To emphasize every area, we decided to give each an own identity closely related to the corporate identity.

A very interesting project moreover while it is an initiative of three drug stores working together which means a lot of feedback and that combined with a constructive ambience was really enriching.

Mejorando ID derivada

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