COSEPA (Congreso)

A project which started off in 2012 with restyling the corporate design with the objective to radiate a more professional and modern feel and emphasize the core business: official technical service for Teka. Now, 4 years later, the business concept has changed. The official technical service also includes other brands plus the installation and repair of air conditioning .

Time to clarify the corporate communication. More importance for the brand Grancatek to get a clearer and better positioning. The new design was applied to: stationary, vehicle fleet, brochures, facade and office.

Big and small appliances, great people...

Grancatek carpeta
Grancatek Vehículo
Grancatek Vestuario corporativo
Grancatek tarjetas
Grancatek vehiculos
Grancatek interior
Grancatek Fachada
Grancatek web

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